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  • How To Left Align A Pie Chart In Excel: Step-by-Step Guide

How To Left Align A Pie Chart In Excel: Step-by-Step Guide

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In the intricate realm of Excel, where precision and presentation converge, aligning elements takes center stage. In this step-by-step guide, we will explain how to left-align a pie chart in Excel.

What is a Pie Chart?

A pie chart is a circular graph divided into slices to represent numerical proportions. Each slice, or “pie,” corresponds to a specific category, and the size of the slice reflects the proportion of that category within the whole.

What is pie chart in Excel - definition

The pie chart in an Excel screenshot from a spreadsheet. Image Credit: Ajelix

How To Create a Basic Pie Chart in Excel

Creating a left-aligned pie chart begins with the basics. Here’s how to start:

  1. Select the data you want to represent in the pie chart.
  2. Navigate to the “Insert” tab.
  3. Click on “Pie Chart” and choose the desired style (e.g., 2D or 3D).
How to createt a basic pie chart in excel - step by step guide

How to create a pie chart in Excel screenshot with step-by-step guides. Image Credit: Ajelix

Selecting the right data is pivotal. Your pie chart’s effectiveness hinges on the accuracy and relevance of the data you choose.

Excel offers myriad customization options, such as colors, labels, and chart titles, allowing you to tailor your chart to your specific needs.

Related Article: How to create a bar chart in Excel

How To Left Align A Pie Chart

To master the art of alignment, you must acquaint yourself with Excel’s formatting capabilities. Once you have created a pie chart you can customize it and align it to meet your needs.

Time needed: 1 minute

Here’s how to left-align your pie chart:

  1. Activate your pie chart

    Once you’ve created a chart, click on it to activate and you’ll see 8 dots appear on the chart borders. Like this:
    activated chart in excel

  2. Activate only the pie area

    Click near the pie chart to activate the movement for this element, see the example below:
    Activate pie chart for movement

  3. Move the pie chart to the left

    Once you have activated the pie element, you’ll be able to move it around the chart area. Click on the pie area and drag it to the left side.
    Drag the chart to the left side to left align pie chart in excel

  4. Adjust the pie chart to fit your needs

    Now you know how to move your pie graph. You can drag it to the left, up, down, change the size, and customize it to fit your needs. Here’s an example of left aligned pie chart:
    How to left align pie chart in Excel - tutorial

Related Article: How to explode a pie chart in Excel?

How To Left Align Two Pie Charts

Everyone hates cluttered Excel spreadsheets when all the graphs are misaligned and data is scattered around the sheet. Take a look at the screenshot below. Don’t you just hate messy spreadsheets?

Misaligned pie charts in excel

Example of misaligned pie charts in Excel. Image Credit: Ajelix

Here’s how to align one graph to another:

1. Select both of the charts by holding the Shift keyboard

2. Go to the Excel toolbar select Shape Format, click on Align, and choose Align Left. Like in the example below:

How to left align two pie charts in excel

How to left align two pie charts with Align settings. Image Credit: Ajelix

3. Now your charts are aligned

Aligned charts in Excel

Left aligned charts in Excel spreadsheet. Image Credit: Ajelix

Related Article: Create effective data visualization dashboard

Effortless Data Visualization with Ajelix BI

Tackling the creation of reports and crafting charts within Excel spreadsheets may seem like a daunting endeavor, especially if it’s not your preferred activity. The effective use of Microsoft Excel often requires specialized training.

Grasping its intricate nuances and mastering the art of integrating specific elements can consume a significant amount of your time. Furthermore, scouring the internet for instructional guides only adds to the complexity. Here’s just one of the examples of how effective data visualization is in Excel vs. Ajelix BI:

Create a donut chart in Excel vs. Ajelix BI. Video Credit: Ajelix

Ajelix BI: Transforming Data Visualization

Bid farewell to the days when the process of creating reports felt like an arduous chore, all thanks to the automatic data visualization prowess of Ajelix BI.

marketing data visualization report from Ajelix BI

Marketing data report dashboard with Ajelix BI. Image Credit: Ajelix

With Ajelix BI at your disposal, the tedium of uploading Excel files and painstakingly selecting templates that match your requirements becomes a thing of the past. In mere seconds, you can effortlessly conjure up polished, professional reports.

Empowered by the capabilities of artificial intelligence, you gain the ability to dive deep into your data, extracting valuable insights that seamlessly transform into impactful charts, ready for effortless sharing with your colleagues.


In conclusion, left-aligning a pie chart in Excel is a valuable skill for anyone seeking to enhance their data presentations. Alignment is not merely about aesthetics; it’s about ensuring that your data communicates effectively.

Ready to transform data visualization with Ajelix BI?

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