From data to report in one minute or less. Ajelix BI is launched! 🚀 Get started for free.

Connect your data with reports and get real time insights

Choose from available data sources and connect your spreadsheets with reports. Get automatic report refreshing with Google Sheets or MS SQL connection or manually upload an Excel file each time data changes.

excel icon ajelix bi data source integration
MS SQL server as a data source on ajelix bi platform icon
mysql connect with ajelix bi dashboard
postgresql connection with ajelix bi platform icon
CSV file as data source for ajelix bi dashboards icon

No credit card required

Automatic report refresh with Google Sheets connection

  • Connect your report with Google sheets file and get live reporting
  • Update your file daily and set the refresh time interval
  • Follow-up on your business data on the go
  • Easy set-up and maintenance for non-tech teams
  • Unlimited dashboards and datasets
  • Effortless sharing and collaboration with colleagues
connect your data with google sheets files on Ajelix BI live reports

Ways to connect your data with reports

Connect your data with google sheets link and get live reports with ajelix bi

Google Sheets

Add your spreadsheet link as data source, set up the report and get live updates.

Connect your data with excel file and get reports with ajelix bi

Microsoft Excel

Upload .xls, .xlsx, or .xlsm, set up the report, and upload a new version once you need fresh data.

CSV file upload for ajelix bi reports illustration

CSV File

Upload .csv files or copy data from any place and create dashboards. 

MS SQL connection as a data source for ajelix bi reports screenshot


Connect your SQL database and get daily updated dashboards.

MySQL connection with ajelix bi dashboards


Connect your dashboard with MySQL and update your dashboards on-demand.

Postgre SQL connection with ajelix bi dashboards illustration


Add your PostgreSQL database and connect your dashboard to get regular data updates.

Security & Privacy

We care about customers and their data privacy. Here are the answers to frequently asked questions:

  • Your data is securely encrypted and saved on our severs.
  • Only you can access your data directly.
  • Your data is not used for AI/ML module training and is not shared with third parties.
  • You can delete your data any time and it will be irreversibly deleted from our servers.
  • You can manage report sharing by adding editors or viewers, and protect reports with passwords.
Data security and privacy with Ajelix BI reporting

Empower non-technical teams with easy to use BI platform

Ajelix BI editor view with stock price changes

Learn more about our BI platform

Explore all the functionality that Ajelix BI has to offer, starting from professional looking dashboards to AI analytics.