The QUARTILE function in Excel is a statistical function that returns the quartile of a given set of data. It can be used to find the first, second, and third quartiles of a dataset, which represent the values that divide the data into quarters.
QUARTILE function in Excel is a statistical function used to calculate a data set’s quartile or 25th percentile. The quartile is a measure of the spread of a dataset and is the value where 25% of the data is below and 75% is above. The function is useful in analyzing the distribution of data and comparing datasets.
The QUARTILE formula has three arguments:
The exclusive method returns the exact 25th percentile, while the inclusive method returns the midpoint between the 25th and 26th percentile. When using the QUARTILE formula, the array argument must be a range of cells, not a single cell. The quart argument can be any value from 0 to 4; 0 returns the minimum value of the dataset, 1 returns the lower quartile, 2 returns the median, 3 returns the upper quartile, and 4 returns the maximum value of the dataset.
You can use the function to compare datasets, analyze the distribution of data, and set thresholds. For example, the function can be used to set grade thresholds for students, determine the quartiles of a population, or compare two datasets.
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=QUARTILE(array, quart)
The array is the range of cells or array of values that you want to calculate quartiles for Quart is the quartile value you want to calculate (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Yes, the QUARTILE function can handle arrays or ranges of values in Excel. You can specify the range of values in the function’s arguments or select the range directly on the worksheet. The function will return the quartile value(s) for the specified range or array of values.
If the QUARTILE function cannot calculate a quartile value, it will return the #NUM! error. This can happen if the quartile argument is not between 0 and 4, or if there are not enough values in the data set to calculate the specified quartile. It can also occur if there are non-numeric values in the data set.