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Charts and Graphs in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Last updated:
    January 11, 2025
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When it comes to analyzing and presenting data, charts, and graphs are the perfect tools to help you communicate information in a meaningful and visually appealing way. Whether you’re a student, a business professional, or a data analyst, Excel is a powerful program that can help you create stunning charts and graphs in just a few simple steps.

This article will cover the basics of creating charts and graphs in Excel, from selecting your data to customizing your visuals. With this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to create stunning charts and graphs in no time. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Select Your Data

The first step in creating charts and graphs in Excel is to select the data you want to visualize. To do this, open your Excel spreadsheet and select the desired cells. Ensure that the data you select is organized in a way that makes sense for the type of chart or graph you’re creating. You can mark the needed rows by hovering your mouse over the data, see the example below where we marked columns A and B for creating a chart.

Screenshot from Excel on how to select the data for chart or graph.

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Step 2: Choose Your Chart or Graph Type

The next step is to decide which type of chart or graph you want to create. Excel offers a wide variety of designs, so you’ll want to select the one that best fits your data set. The most commonly used designs in Excel include bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, and scatter plots. Decide which type of chart or graph you want to create, and you’re ready to move to the next step. To choose the chart or graph go to “Insert” > “Charts” and choose the chart or graph type you want to use. In our example, we chose a “line chart” to see the trend over the period of time. See the example below.

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Screenshot from Excel “Insert” field.

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Step 3: Insert Your Charts or Graphs

Now it’s time to insert your chart or graph into your Excel spreadsheet. To do this, select the Insert tab at the top of the Excel window and then select your desired chart or graph type from the menu. Once you’ve selected your chart or graph type, Excel will automatically create a visual representation of your data. In the example below you will see that we created a line chart to better view sales data.

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Screenshot from Excel with inserted graph.

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Step 4: Customize Your Charts or Graphs

The next step is to customize your chart or graph to reflect better the information you’re trying to communicate. Excel offers a wide variety of customization options, including the ability to add labels, change colors, and add trendlines. To customize your chart, select the Design tab at the top of the Excel window and then select the desired customization option from the menu. Once you have inserted your chart you should design it to meet your needs. Change the title of the chart, change color pallet, and data labels to highlight the results. You can see in our example below that we customized our chart to make it visually pleasing and we add the trendline.

charts and graphs in excel - highlight your data - ajelix blog
Screenshot from Excel, customize your data, and highlight the results.

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Step 5: Save Your Charts or Graphs

Once you’ve created your chart or graph, it’s time to save it so you can use it in the future. To save your chart or graph, select the File tab at the top of the Excel window and select Save As. Then, select the desired file format and enter a file name. Once you’ve done this, your chart or graph will be saved and you can use it whenever you need it.

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Creating charts and graphs in Excel is easy to communicate data in a meaningful and visually appealing way. With this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to create stunning charts and graphs in no time. So get started today and start visualizing your data like a pro.

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