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  5. Creating Your First Data Model From A To Z

Creating Your First Data Model From A To Z

Once you have uploaded data, you can start visualizing or editing your data. Usually, data modeling is done before visualizing data, however, it’s not mandatory. This guide will walk you through all the data preparation features. For visualization guides please use this guide.

After you have uploaded data and picked Data modeling you should have this view 👇

Empty data modeling view screenshot from ajelix bi
Ajelix BI data modeling editor screenshot

General Settings

1. Start data editing by expanding the data sources from the left menu. Pick the model you want to edit and you will see the data table preview on the right side.

Data modeling view select the data model you want to edit screenshot form ajelix bi modeling editor
Ajelix BI data editor screenshot with data preview

2. In the editor you can perform several data preparation activities:

  1. You can delete or create new columns
  2. Move columns to the right or left
  3. Show and hide specific columns
  4. Rename columns
  5. Change data formatting to text, date, number, or true/false
Data editor with basic functionalities screenshot from ajelix bi
Ajelix BI data editor screenshot with data preview and toolbar settings

Create a new column from existing data

Here are the steps:

  1. Click Add Column
  2. Give a name to your column
  3. Select the data formatting to Number
  4. Insert the formula and click apply
Data modeling add new column with measurement screenshot from portal
Ajelix BI data editor screenshot with steps on how to create a new column with a function

Now you have created a new column that you visualize.

Create a measure

To create a measure from existing data, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add measure
  2. Give a name to your measure
  3. Select the field formatting to Number
  4. Insert formula
  5. Click Apply
  6. You will see the result in a cell
How to create a measure on data modeling view screenshot from ajelix
Ajelix BI data editor screenshot with steps on how to create a measure using functions

Note: You can create metrics from existing measures. Remember that metrics should be in chronic order, e.g. first develop measures that will be used in the final calculation not vice versa.

You can later visualize this value using the Card, Pivot Table or Chart element.

Measure visualized as a card element screenshot from ajelix bi
Ajelix BI dashboard screenshot with measure visualized as a card element

Set up data relationships

For more advanced visualizations you can set up relationships between your data tables. It means that you will be able to create one visualization from several data sources. Here are the steps on how to create a relationship:

  1. Click Add Relationship
  2. On the right side editor, select the other data source you want to connect
  3. Select the column you want to match from the external data source
  4. Pick the column from the existing data source you want to connect with
  5. Select the connection type:
    • 1 to N (one to many)
    • N to 1 (many to one)
    • 1 to 1 (one to one)
Create relationship for you data tables screenshot from data modeling editor
Ajelix BI data modeling editor screenshot with relationship setup settings

Change the data source settings

You can also change settings for your data source, such as renaming the file, adding a description, and marking it as public or private.

change the data set settings on data modeling view screenshot
Ajelix BI data modeling editor screenshot with data source settings

Building dashboard

Once you have edited data you can start visualization. When you open the dashboard editor you can see all data sources on the left side. Expand any data source and click on any column to create a chart.

data tables on report editor
Ajelix BI dashboard editor view screenshot

For more guides on how to visualize data please visit this guide.

It’s important to note, that once you have built charts from the data model don’t rename the columns, as you can experience some inaccuracies.