From data to report in one minute or less. Ajelix BI is launched! 🚀 Get started for free.

Clean and Prepare Your Data For Analytics

Set up your data for deeper insights with a visual query builder and data preparation tools.

Ajelix BI data modeling view screenshot from platform
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Clean & prepare data

Transform your messy data into concise and clean data—ready for analytics.

  • Format or change data structure and formatting
  • Transform and filter data using custom functions
  • Clean, remove duplicates, hide or delete unnecessary data
  • Set up your data for deeper insights
Clean and prepare data
Connect different data sources and merge files illustration

Connect different data sources

Create more advanced visualizations from different data sources and manage all your files in one place.

  • Merge and connect data
  • Setup relationships
  • Create new data tables from existing data

Create metrics & calculate KPIs

  • Set up your business metrics and KPIs
  • Use SQL functions to calculate metrics
  • Create new fields and columns from your data
  • Perform calculations from different data sources
Calculate metrics and KPis with data modeling illustration
Use SQL for calculations

Use SQL for messy data tasks

Use one of the most popular data analytics querying engines to customize data. 

  • High performance
  • Well-known syntax and structure
  • Highly secure
  • Widely adapted
  • Excel-like functions that makes calculations easier for Excel users

Watch a step-by-step guide on how to create KPIs

  • Follow tutorials to learn how to use advanced features
  • Create KPIs and measure them over time
  • Calculate measures and visualize them
How To Create KPIs and Metrics Using Data Preparation Feature Walkthrough - Ajelix BI

Prepare your data for meaningful analytics with Ajelix BI

ajelix bi new dashboard